Events Calendar
@ Subspace, Prague
Nawa Riccardo Kai
It is a private session to tie for real, without music, without limits, sharing with the public the love for the style of rope that we represent. It is an occasion to see Wildties tie every time different models, and appreciate the different kind of interaction with each.
But the Nawa Kai is more than that, it's a place to talk, to share stories and experiences, to discuss about the japanese interpretation of rope, without the need for political correctness that is so widespread in workshops and other rope events. It's a place to hear about Wildties' experiences with Naka Sensei and what he has lived and learned in his trips in Japan. It is a great occasion to learn more, and be part, of this legacy. It is an occasion to share views on aesthetic and philosophy, to talk about our history and to broaden our Kinbaku culture.
Level: all levels
Location: Subspace Studio